Thursday, August 2, 2012

Right Now #1: U2

to get things started I think I should talk about my favorite band, U2. They have been my favorite band for a few years now, starting in 2008. I've seen them twice; once in 2009 in Atlanta, GA and last year in Nashville, TN. Some of my favorites songs from the band are Bad, Out of Control, The Fly, Streets, and I should just stop there before I get distracted.

As all U2 fans know the band have just finished up the huge U2360 tour. They have now been on brake for over a year but it seems like a century. I myself get a little annoyed still seeing Bono on vacation.........and a bit jealous when seeing the girl he's hanging out with. But I'm still hoping that Bono and the boys have been hard at work this last year and are almost finished, or maybe even done, with a long awaited new album, their first since 2009's No Line on the Horizon. What I'm afraid of is what this record will sound like. Recently U2, mostly Bono, have seemed to be a bit disappointed with their place in music. Their golden years are likely behind and I don't think Bono has fully accepted it, which is fine with me. But the problem lies in the music the band might be making. If U2 are indeed searching for a Pop-radio hit, they probably aren't trying harder for another Joshua Tree or Achtung Baby which is what the fans really want. Seriously, would we want another Streets or a U2 "Call Me Maybe". I also don't want the rumored "Song of Ascent" album. What I'm really interested is the work they have been doing for a few years with Dangermouse, who has also worked with Gorillaz, The Black Keys and has also been a band, Gnarls Barkley, with Cee Lo Green. I really think U2 and Dangermouse might have produced something fantastic, but I'm a bit worried about what the band think. I believe we need U2 to have the mindset that they had in the 90's and stop worrying about the radio. If U2 can go to The Joshua Tree and Rattle and Hum to Achtung Baby than nothing is impossible for this band. Yes, they are older now but they also have more experience. They have been in the business long enough to realize what will have more impact in the years to come. Do they want a song like "Wonderwall" or a song like "Party Rock Anthem." No matter what U2 does I do not believe they will get the same crowd that artists like Nicki Minaj, Drake and Justin Bieber get. They need to realize what they do have and what they can get with their new music. Would it be nice to hear U2 on the radio all the time instead of the recent songs we have been getting. Sure, why not. What I am saying is that I hope U2 are not just aiming for a hit pop song instead of a 5 star album. I know whatever the band does will be great because they've been making great music for over 30 years. I just hope the band wall of all the negative comments about their music and the fact that they aren't on MTV anymore *but who would want to be alongside with Snooki and JWOWW*and focus on making a perfect album. I know I'll be there the first day to buy the CD and I know other U2 fans will too.

This is U2 I'm talking about. The band that brought us One, Sunday Bloody Sunday and Where the Streets Have No Name. I know they have more fight in them and I want them to bring it with the next album.

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